English Important Questions Series – 2 for CTET, all State TETs, KVS, NVS, DSSSB etc

English Important Questions Series – 2 for CTET, all State TETs, KVS, NVS, DSSSB etc

1. Which Indian reformist supported English education? –

  1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  2. MK Gandhi
  3. Swami Vivekananda
  4. Swami Dayanand

Ans- Option A

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a great supporter of English education and translated Vedic scriptures into English.

(GK and current affairs: History)

2. Creating or retrieving what the student wants to say and then generating a suitable text to say it, are the stages of the _____  process.-

  1. Listening
  2. Writing
  3. Speaking
  4. Creative Thinking

Ans- Option B 

Creating a retrieving what the student wants to say and then generating a suitable text to say it, are the stages of the writing process. As in writing a child expresses his or her thoughts and ideas by forming simple and complex sentences.

(Child development and Pedagogy: Learning of Language Skills)

3. Which of the following resources will help to break down communication barriers and enable children to study and learn in both language 1 and language 2-

  1. Multilingual resources
  2. Multimedia resources
  3. Mote textual resources
  4. Communicative resources

Ans- Option A

Use of multilingualism that is the native language and English language together to increase students’ understanding will help to break down communication barriers.

( English Pedagogy: Language Learning ) 

4. When children first start to speak in sentences their speech may be described as-

  1. Multilingual
  2. Babbling
  3. Exceptionally soft
  4. Telegraphic

Ans- Option B

Babbling is a stage in child development and a state and language acquisition during which an infant appears to be experimenting with a uttering articulate sounds, but does not yet produce any recognisable words. Babbling begins shortly after birth and progresses through several stages as the infant’s repertoire of sounds expands and vocalisations become more speech – like.

(Child development and Pedagogy: Learning of Language Skills)

5. Remediation, when students find difficulty in the use of different ‘modals’, would be to-

  1. practice by collaboratively completing task where structures are used integratively, in a variety of real life situations
  2. Be given ample practice in using modals in a set of sentences
  3. Frame sentences on their own and the teacher corrects them
  4. Learn about the structures outside the classroom through suitable activities

Ans- Option A

Remediation, by practicing and collaboratively completing task where structures are used integratively in a variety of real life situations can remove the difficulty faced by students in the use of different modals.


1.it could rain tomorrow.

2. May I use your phone please.

Here, Could and May are two modals which are explained by giving real life examples.

(Child development and Pedagogy: Remedial Teaching)

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