English Important Questions Series – 1 for CTET, all State TETs, KVS, NVS, DSSSB etc

English Important Questions Series – 1 for CTET, all State TETs, KVS, NVS, DSSSB etc

1. A teacher asks students of class III to describe their best friend. She writes the students’ responses on the blackboard. At last she states that all these describing words on the blackboard are adjectives. This is-

  1. Immersion method
  2. Incidental method
  3. Inductive method
  4. Deductive method

Ans- Option C

In the inductive method, first the simple examples are present and then a theory or a concept has formed.

( Child development and pedagogy:  Learning and its Methods )

2. Teaching learning material (TLM) should be used by teachers as it-

  1. Is not very expensive
  2. Motivates learners to further prepare such material at home
  3. Supplements teaching-learning process
  4. Prepare students mentally to sit in the class

Ans- Option C

Teaching learning material supplements teaching learning process as they refer to a spectrum of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to support specific learning objects, as set out in lesson plans. These can be games, videos, flash cards, project supplies and more. Using TLM can greatly assist students in the learning process.

( Child Development and Pedagogy:  Teaching Aids )

3. Which of the following is the most important about storytelling-

  1. It broadens their knowledge about various authors
  2. It enhances graded pattern and structure
  3. It promotes whole language approach
  4. it is an effective way of learning vocabulary

Ans- Option D

Children like to listen to stories; in doing so they come across new words which enrich their vocabulary.

( Child development and pedagogy:  Learning and its Methods )

4. Who gave the concept of LAD (language acquisition device)-

  1. Naom Chomsky
  2. Jean Piaget
  3. Lev Vygotsky
  4. Lawrence Kohlberg

Ans- Option A

The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a hypothetical module of the human mind posited to account for children’s innate predisposition for language acquisition. First proposed by Noam Chomsky in the 1960s, the LAD concept is an instinctive mental capacity which enables an infant to acquire and produce language. 

( English: Pedagogy of Language Development )

5. The English curriculum is concerned with-

  1. Learning of language
  2. Learning through language
  3. Both option A and B
  4. Neither option A nor option B

Ans- Option C

The English curriculum is connected with both learning of language and learning through language as children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This is similar to the way they acquire their first language. In order to acquire language the learner needs a source of natural communication with emphasis on the text of the communication and not on the form. 

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Language Acquisition and Language Learning )

6.  The period of infancy is from-

  1. Birth to 2 years
  2. Birth to 3 years
  3. 2 to 3 year
  4. Birth to 1 year

Ans- Option A

The term infant is typically applied to young children between age of birth to 1 year.


Infancy (birth to 18 months)

Early childhood (2 to 3 years)

Preschool (3 to 5 years)

School age (6 to 11 years)

Adolescence (12 to 18 years)

Early adulthood (19 to 40 years)

Middle adulthood (40 to 65 years)

Maturity (65 years till death)

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Development of Children )

7. Deficiency in the ability to write associated with impaired handwriting is a symptom of-

  1. Dyscalculia
  2. Dysgraphia 
  3. Dysphasia
  4. Aphasia

Ans- Option B

Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects written expression. It can appear as poor handwriting, difficulty in spelling and writing in straight lines.

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Learning Disorders and Remedial Teaching )

8. Writing is a______  and not a______.

  1. Product, process
  2. Product, formation
  3. Process, product
  4. Process, formation

Ans- Option C 

According to Donald Murray “teach writing as a process, not a product.”

Means children should acquire writing skills as a process because writing is the process of exploration of what we know and what we feel about what we know through language. It is the process of using language to learn about our world, to evaluate what we learn about our world and to communicate what we learn about our world.

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Language Learning )

9. Educators use YouTube to teach visual learners with videos, podcasts for auditory learners and interactive games for tactile learners in a language class. Here, multimedia caters to individual-

  1. Linguistic differences
  2. Learning styles
  3. Authentic second language
  4. Learning disabilities

Ans- Option B

Multimedia is used to cater mainly three different learning styles: 1.Auditory learners 2.Visual learners and 3. kinesthetic tactile learners.

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Language Acquisition and Language Learning )

10. ” Language is one of the most important characteristic forms of human behaviour.” It is the statement of-

  1. Gleason 
  2. Maclver and Page
  3. Mahatma Gandhi
  4. Dr. R.K. Agarwal

Ans- Option A

( Child Development and Pedagogy: Language Acquisition )

9 thoughts on “English Important Questions Series – 1 for CTET, all State TETs, KVS, NVS, DSSSB etc”

  1. nice ques sir …. In Q3 ans shud be c ie story telling will promote whole language approach not just vocabulary . PLZ CLEAR MY DOUBT SIR

    1. Deepak Himanshu

      vishal jee.. yes.. option 3 also is related to benefits of story telling but the 1st level and entry benefits of story is vocabulary ..language approach needs enhancement on lot of other prior areas not only in story ..story cones with different words in sentence which help best to increase our word stock..so best answer would be D.

    1. Deepak Himanshu

      nibha je. .. ye english subject hi hai iska english me hi aayega questions and explanation ..baki subject hindi english dono me

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