RRB Teacher Syllabus 2025 For TGT PGT and PRT

RRB Teacher Syllabus 2025 for TGT, PGT & PRT: The RRB Teacher exam is an incredible opportunity for aspiring teachers to secure a teaching job in the Indian Railways. This examination assesses candidates based on knowledge, reasoning skills, and teaching potential. To gain success, the candidates should prepare thoroughly and strategically to understand the RRB Teacher syllabus, the pattern of the exam, and the requirements of preparation.

In this guide we have explained the RRB Teacher Recruitment 2025 Syllabus for TGT, PGT and PRT along with their exam pattern. Candidates can also download the Railway Teacher Syllabus 2025 PDF shared in this article.

RRB Teacher Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
The RRB Teacher Exam Pattern 2025 includes a Computer-Based Test (CBT) as the first selection process.

The subjects included in the RRB Teacher exam are Professional Ability, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Science.
Further evaluation stages include document verification and a teaching aptitude test, depending on the teaching post applied for – Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, or Post Graduate Teacher.
This article details the Railway Teacher syllabus, exam pattern, and preparation tips that help candidates score better in the examination. Keep reading till the end to check the FAQs. You can also read the RRB Teacher Salary & Job Profile here.

Railway Teacher Exam Pattern 2025

The Railway Teacher Exam Pattern 2025 clearly explains the structure and requirements of the Computer-Based Test (CBT). It gives clear information about the types of questions, marking scheme, and subject-wise distribution.

SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Professional Ability5050
General Intelligence & Reasoning1515
General Awareness1515
General Science1010

The Key Features of the RRB Teacher Exam Pattern include the following:

  • The Single Stage CBT will have a duration of 90 minutes for 100 questions, with an extended time of 120 minutes for PwBD candidates using the Scribe facility.
  • The question papers will consist of objective multiple-choice questions.
  • This objective type RRB Teacher exam is conducted for 90 Minutes.
  • Each correct answer carries 1 mark.

Are you applying for Railway Teacher? Download this latest official apply online instruction to avoid application rejection – Download PDF 

RRB Teacher Recruitment 2025 Syllabus

The syllabus for the Railway Teacher recruitment 2025 is tailored to assess a candidate’s academic knowledge, reasoning capabilities, and language proficiency. Here’s a detailed subject-wise breakdown. This subject-wise RRB Teacher syllabus will be common for all whether it is TGT, PGT and PRT. Below we have also explained the individual syllabus of TGT, PGT, PRT and music teacher.

Railway Teacher Syllabus for Mathematics

The Railway Teacher syllabus for Mathematics is designed to evaluate candidates’ proficiency in basic mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills. Below are the key concepts:

Number Systems
Ratio and Proportions
Time and Work
Time and Distance
Simple and Compound Interest
Profit and Loss
Geometry and Trigonometry
Elementary Statistics
Square Root
Age Calculations
Calendar & Clock
Pipes & Cistern

Tips: To Score well in the Mathematics the candidates need to focus on those topic first which has more weightage in the exam. Candidates can go through the previous year paper to understand from which topics has most asked questions.

RRB Teacher Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning

The following are the topics included in the Railway Teacher Reasoning Syllabus. To score well in the RRB Teacher exam the candidates need to cover these topics which includes RRB teacher recruitment 2025 syllabus for reasoning.

Alphabetical and Number Series
Coding and Decoding
Mathematical Operations
Venn Diagram
Data Interpretation and Sufficiency
Conclusions and Decision-Making
Similarities and Differences
Analytical Reasoning
Statement-Arguments and Assumptions

Tips: Reasoning is the most scoring subject in the Railway Teacher exam and if candidates prepare well for this subject then this section can gives maximum number of marks in the exam. To prepare the reasoning syllabus prioritize the topics as per the weightage of the questions asked in the exam.

Railway Teacher Syllabus for General Awareness

Read newspaper articles and books to improve your General Knowledge. You will be required to cover the following syllabus topics to ace the GA section in the exam –

Knowledge of Current Affairs
Indian Geography
Culture and History of India including the freedom movement
Indian Polity and Constitution
Indian Economy
Environmental issues concerning India and the World
General scientific and technological developments

Tips: General Awareness is a vast subjects and students find it hard to score well in this exam and that’s why candidates usually do not focus in this section. We are advised to candidates to not ignore this subjects because 15 questions are asked from this section in this exam. Instead of preparing randomly candidates need to follow the faculty advice and prepare accordingly.

RRB Teacher Syllabus for General Science

The Railway Teacher syllabus for General Science focuses on fundamental concepts to assess the candidates’ knowledge in key scientific areas. 

Physics (up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus)
Chemistry (up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus)
Life Sciences (up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus)

Tips: Aspirants who are preparing for Railway Teacher exam 2025 can prepare this section through the NCERT books. The questions are asked usually up to 10th level. It covers Physics, Chemistry and Life Science. If you do not have an idea how to approach this particular subject follow our faculty advice.

RRB Teacher Professional Ability Syllabus 2025

The following tables outline the RRB Teacher Exam Pattern 2025 for various posts, including PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Music Teacher, and Physical Training Instructor. Each table covers the key topics and the number of questions for each section, offering a detailed breakdown of the syllabus. These tables are designed to help candidates understand the structure and content of the exam for each position. 

RRB Teacher PGT/TGT Syllabus 2025

The RRB PGT/TGT Teacher Syllabus along with the Exam Pattern 2025 has mentioned below. The Railway PGT/TGT syllabus evaluates candidates across three key sections: Education, Psychology of Learner & Teaching, and Curriculum & Instruction. Candidates can also download the RRB PGT/TGT syllabus PDF shared in the article. Below is a detailed topic-wise breakdown with the number of questions for each section:

Sl. No.TopicsNo. of QuestionsDescription
1Education22 to 28Philosophy of Education – various schools of Philosophy; Education according to Indian thinkers and Western thinkers.
  Sociological basis of education, Aspiration of Indian Society, Role & functions of home, school community, religion, media and state as agents of socialization. Education as an agent of social change, social adjustment and socio-economic development.
  Education, Culture and Human Values, Democracy and Education, Role of teacher and Educational Institutions
2Psychology of Learner & Teaching13 to 18Educational psychology, Intelligence theories, Motivation, Learning, and exceptional children (creative, gifted, etc.).
3Curriculum and Instruction8 to 12Curriculum development, instructional methods, Teacher–Controlled Instruction, Learner–Controlled Instructions, and skills.

Tips: The best approach to cover this subject is prioritize the topics as per their weightage. As the Education section has more weightage and this section contains approx 22 to 28 questions so candidates should focus on this section first then they can put Psychology and Learner & Teaching as a second priority following by Curriculum and Instruction because it has less weightage.

Railway Teacher Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Syllabus 2025

This table summarizes the RRB Teacher PTI syllabus with an overview of topics and the number of questions in each section.

Sl. No.TopicsNo. of QuestionsDescription
1Physical Education in India10 to 12Objectives, Principles and Components of Physical Education, Indian Olympic Association, Role of WHO, UNICEF, Local Bodies.
 Organizing Physical Education Events, Use of Audio-Visual Aids in Physical Education.
2Anatomy, Physiology, Exercise, Nutrition, Diet & Hygiene15 to 17Benefits of Physical Activity, Physical Fitness Principles, Warming Up, Conditioning, Wellness, Nutrition and Balanced Diet.
 Energy balance, personal hygiene, and mental hygiene in relation to sports and fitness.
3Sports Injuries, Prevention & Health Education, Sports Medicine16 to 20Anatomy and Physiology basics, Fatigue, Cramp, Oxygen Debt, Postural Deformities, and Corrective Exercises.Sports medicine, injury management, first aid, rehabilitation, and sports psychology.
4Camping for Recreation2 to 3Concepts and principles of camping for recreation.
5Important Games and Sports4 to 6Key games and sports with their rules, techniques, and importance.

Railway Teacher Music Teacher 2025 Syllabus 

The RRB Teacher Exam Pattern 2025 for Music Teacher includes a variety of topics designed to assess the candidate’s knowledge in music theory, history, and practical applications. Interested candidates can download the RRB Teacher Syllabus PDF for music teacher through the link given in this article. Below is the detailed breakdown of the exam pattern with the number of questions for each topic:

1Appreciation of music, Bada Khayal and Chota Khayal, Brief History of Bharatnatyashastra and Sangeet Ratnakar, Classification of music.8 to 12
2Concept of rags and talas in Indian music, classification of ragas, concept singing, different gharanas and their histories, evolution of notation system, forms of light music.8 to 12
3History of Indian music, arts, importance of music festivals/ seminars/ conferences.7 to 11
4Laws of acoustics, musical sound wave motion, frequency pitch, volume.7 to 11
5Music and Literature, Place of music in fine arts, Role of music in multimedia, Taal study, Vocal and Instrumental music.7 to 11
6Computer and its Applications2 to 4
Total 50

Railway Teacher 2025 Assistant Teacher Syllabus 

The RRB Teacher syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 for Assistant Teacher evaluates candidates across three sections: Educational Psychology, Education Technology & Teaching-Learning Process; Communication Skills, and Computer Applications. Below is the detailed breakdown of the topics and the number of questions for each section:

Sl No.TopicsNo. of Questions
1Educational Psychology25 to 29
– Intelligence: Nature, Meaning & Measurement
– Learning
– Growth and development of Child
– Personality Development and Adjustment
– Individual Differences among Children
2Education Technology & Teaching-Learning Process; Communication Skills18 to 22
– Teaching-learning materials: textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resources of the classroom
– Remedial Teaching
3Computer and its Applications2 to 4
Total 50

RRB PRT Teacher Syllabus 2025

The RRB PRT Teacher Syllabus 2025 for Primary Teacher evaluates candidates across five sections, covering various aspects of education, teaching, and school organization. Candidates can also download the RRB PRT Teacher syllabus PDF given in this article. Below is the detailed breakdown of the topics and the number of questions for each section:

aTopicsNo. of Questions
Understanding the Learner18 to 20
– Concept of growth, maturation, and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges.
– Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral, etc., Deviations in development and its implications.
– Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges, and implications for designing institutional support.
– Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization Agencies. Ensuring Home-school continuity.
bUnderstanding Teaching Learning18 to 20
– Theoretical perspectives on Learning – Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for:
– The role of the teacher
– The role of the learner
– Nature of teacher-student relationship
– Choice of teaching methods
– Classroom environment
– Understanding of discipline, power, etc.
– Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
– Designing classroom instructions
– Planning student activities
– Creating learning spaces in school
– Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
– Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum
– Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood care and Education
– Competency-based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
– Instructional Plans – Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
– Instructional material and resources
– Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching-learning
– Assessment of learning, for learning, and as learning: Meaning, purpose, and considerations in planning each.
– Enhancing Teaching-Learning processes: Classroom Observation, Feedback, Reflections, and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching.
cCreating a Conducive Learning Environment4 to 6
– The concepts of diversity, disability, and Inclusion, implications of disability as a social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions
– The concept of school mental health addressing the curative, preventive, and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff, Provisioning for guidance and counseling.
– Developing School and Community as a learning resource.
dSchool Organization and Leadership4 to 6
– Leader as a reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach, and mentor.
– Perspectives on School Leadership – instructional, distributed, and transformative.
– Vision building, goal setting, and creating a School Development Plan
– Using School Processes and forums for strengthening teaching-learning: Annual Calendar, time-tabling, parent-teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums, using achievement data for improving teaching-learning, school self-assessment and Improvement.
– Creating partnerships with community, industry, and other neighboring schools and Higher Education Institutes-forming learning communities.
ePerspectives in Education2 to 3
– Role of school in achieving aims of education.
– NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools; Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency-based Learning and Education.
– Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for the rights of children to a safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
– Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education.
– School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages- Pedagogy and Assessment.
Total 50

To cover Railway PRT Syllabus aspirants need to focus on 

Tips to Prepare for RRB Teacher Exam

Achieving success in the RRB Teacher Exam involves careful preparation and a strategy for success. Keep following these tips to get better results out of your preparation.

  • Learn the syllabus and exam pattern of RRB Teacher to determine areas that need extra time.
  • Divide the study period for each subject with a practice session and revise at intervals. More time is allocated for weaker areas.
  • Regularly read newspapers and current affairs magazines to stay updated on national and international events, especially related to the Indian Railways.
  • Solve previous years’ question papers and attempt online mock tests to improve speed, accuracy, and time management.
  • Focus on mastering reasoning, mathematics, and language concepts through regular practice. Study from reliable reference books and online resources.
  • For teaching-specific roles, keep abreast of modern teaching methods and education policies.
  • Consistency and regular study hours are essential. Avoid last-minute cramming and focus on gradual progress.

Prepare well and succeed in the RRB Teacher Exam 2025 to secure a rewarding teaching career with the Indian Railways! We hope this article on RRB Teacher Syllabus & exam pattern was informative. 

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